A trip to France to see Dr. Dulac would cost us from $2500 to
$2900 and would include visa fees, plane tickets, accommodation, clinic
examinations, and the consultation with the doctor.
We received an invitation for a prompt treatment in the Center for
Neurosurgery, Neuropediatrics and Junior Epilepsy, known as the Schon Clinic in
the town of Vogtareuth (http://www.schoen-kliniken.com/ptp/kkh/bhz/). This
clinic is recognized as one of the leading centers in the field of neurosurgery
in the world. It specializes on resistant forms of epilepsy and has all
necessary diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. Additionaly, the course of
treatment includes neurorehabilitation (Reflexlocomotion, or the Vojta Method,
Bobath therapy and other treatments, which are particularly effective in
infancy. The clinic has prepared for us an advance invoice for 31 330 Euro, not including plane tickets, ground transportation and other
possible expenses.
3. Kirill constantly needs to take foreign-made antiepileptic drugs
that cost us from 50 up to 200 Euro per box. Namely, Sabril - 53 Euro for 50
tablets, Synacthen depot - 1 vial (1 ml) - 43 Euro.